Where have I been? See, I started this blog to live out some sort of journalistic fantasy. I love to write. Maybe I write inspiring notions, maybe I write humorous tidbits, or maybe what I write is simply my audience humoring me. I started this blog to document a journey- long before I was anywhere near any goal I wished to accomplish. I started this blog knowing I was stuck, in need of some changes, and, frankly, pretty depressed.
I decided to return to school and complete a graduate degree in 2009 and began my program when Claire was only 9 months old. I finished in 2011 and began turning the gears on my career goals. In 2012, I surprised myself, by making a move to elementary and I began my school counselor adventure here:
This is Liberty Elementary. I so seriously believed that I was meant to be secondary. Whenever I interviewed, I felt God was telling me to look another direction. It is a pleasure to broaden my horizons by trying something new. I find that I am enjoying the kids just the same. When it comes down to it- be it first grade or twelfth, kids just want to be heard, accepted, nurtured and loved.
In months leading up to this point, some tremendously difficult situations arose- in terms of selling our old house, living arrangements, family separation, imposing on loved ones, and the pain and stress related to feeling like everything was up in the air. I was embarrassed. If I weren't such a fool, this would have gone so much better. Well, that's how I felt at the time. Some of what life dished out was unexpected (go figure). 'The best laid plans,' according to Robert Burns, 'often go awry'. I was living a complete and total leap of faith. I began to really invest in faith at that point- and perhaps, parts of this journey were meant to draw me closer. In the end, we sold our old house for less than we'd wanted (which is pretty typical, I think), bought the new owners a new furnace- as a fun surprise- about a week before closing, then bridged a homeless gap of one week- moving into our new home eleven days before Christmas.
... and we made this house our new home. It is a cozy post-war gem nestled in the heart of midtown Tulsa. Finally, I am here. Tulsa is my hometown and truly the place where I feel like me. I've worried that people may think I am crazy- going through all this. However, I know the clearest path to failure is the one aligned with trying to please everyone else.
This story is not all about me. If it appears I just made a decision and leaped, that would be an oversimplified assumption. My husband has supported me, even when this was all wearing on him as much as it was me. I can't tell his story though. That would be unfair and impossible. I can only tell mine.
I thought a lot about how to restart my blog. I've wanted to write again for quite sometime, but, admittedly, much of what I went through to get here was painful for me and for my family. I am so grateful to be coming through it, stronger and better. The adventure is not complete, so I will continue to be prayerful for the coming future and excited about new opportunities. For instance, Miss Priss (shown here):
will be enrolled in pre-k this month! She loves school and learning and I am enjoying watching her thrive in every aspect.
So, on this note, I officially welcome myself back to blogging. More to come- this journey is still in motion.